100% FREE masterclass reveals:

The Secret Route To Becoming a Top Chef That Nobody Wants You To Know About!

  • Learn how I tripled my salary by dodging the restaurant treadmill and started cherry-picking the best gigs.
  • Discover the 5 dead-end assumptions 95% of aspiring chefs fall for when starting their career
  • Discover the ultimate shortcut to becoming a top chef - even if you are just starting out


Years in Catering Experience


Years as A Chef Trainer


Successful Students

Unlock the lucrative world of private cheffing:

Here’s What You Will Learn In This FREE Masterclass

Discover the 3 Main Secrets To Earning €100,000 a year as a Private Chef


The Accelerated Path to Culinary Success

Discover the essential foundations and shortcuts that propel aspiring chefs into the thriving world of private cheffing, bypassing traditional culinary institutes and saving time and money.


Real-Life Tales of Private Chef Triumphs

Uncover the inspiring stories of individuals who have transformed their lives and achieved remarkable success as private chefs, showcasing the limitless potential for career growth and fulfilment.


Unlocking the Lucrative Lifestyle of a Private Chef

Explore the hidden realm of high pay and lifestyle benefits that await those who embark on a private chef career, including generous compensation, flexible schedules, and opportunities for worldwide travel.

Happy student testimonials:

See a Glimpse of What Our Students are Saying About Us

Emma Harper

I've watched private chefs do really well for a really long time and decided that it was my turn to put my passion for food, my obsession with food into practice and

Murray's was the only course that I could find that was specific enough, with no faf, to get me where I wanted to be in a shockingly short period of time.

Claire Mc Guigan

My experiences have seen me travel throughout the UK and Europe, and as far afield as the Bahamas. The cooking gives you the flexibility to choose your own contracts, the money's great, and if you're lucky the tips are too!

I'm currently working on a 60-meter super yacht and we've traveled throughout the med this summer. Who knows what the next adventure is going to bring?

Head Coach and Mentor:

Murray Slinn

With over 25 years of experience working with kitchens across six continents and teaching cookery for 15 years, Murray's CV is crammed full of cooking and traveling adventures.

Murray's culinary expertise has taken him from renowned restaurants to freelancing in various industry sectors, including small private cruise lines, private yachts, boutique hotels, private villas, and luxury chalets. His clientele has included supermodels, Hollywood actors, and celebrity chefs, further showcasing the calibre of his culinary skills.

As a seasoned culinary instructor, he has had the privilege of mentoring and guiding over 1000 students, helping them unlock their creative potential and develop a deep understanding of the culinary arts. His patient and inspiring approach in the classroom has left an indelible mark on the lives and careers of aspiring chefs.

During the winter months, Murray takes on the role of managing a prominent hotel for YSE Ski, overseeing a team of 20 exceptional chalet chefs. In this capacity, he is responsible for their training and performance evaluation, ensuring that the highest standards of culinary excellence are maintained.

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