Now streaming : The road to 100k as a chef masterclass

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" Sole chef on 44m S. Y. "

Just arrived in Greece after completing a boss trip for the Monaco GP then an American charter in Mallorca/Ibiza…pick up some British for a two-weeker next week…wouldn’t be here without the stellar work of Private Chef Academy!!!

Clare McGuigan

Yacht Chef

" I have thoroughly enjoyed this course "

Murray sets out each day perfectly, giving you enough time to complete all your dishes but keeping the time pressure high enough so that you really learn to plan, manage and prioritise your time carefully.

Dan Bridle

Yacht and Villa Chef

" I travel all over the UK and Europe for work"

I met Murray in Val d'Isère during the winter season and then completed his course. Murray is a great tutor and super, super supportive, he's always sending me jobs through.

I can't thank him enough!

Molly Clark

Private Chef

Elevate your culinary journey

Private Chef - The Modern Route to Culinary Excellence

Skip the constraints of lengthy programs and instead immerse yourself in real-world experiences, learning from industry experts and success stories.

Embrace a faster, more dynamic route that not only guarantees essential foundations but also promises high pay, lifestyle benefits, and extraordinary earning potential.

Step into a world where innovation, creativity, and passion thrive, and unlock your true culinary potential as a private chef.

Transform your life:

The 3 Pillars to Reach 100K a Year as a Private Chef

Pillar 1



Creating a personalized GAME PLAN that will pave your way to success as a Private Chef. Let us help you map out the steps and strategies needed to achieve your goals and thrive in your career

Pillar 2



Embark on a journey of comprehensive training to master the art of private catering. From honing your culinary skills to understanding the nuances of menu creation and client satisfaction, our program will elevate your expertise to new heights

Pillar 3


Discover the secrets of becoming a successful freelance chef under our expert guidance. Learn how to monetize your culinary talents, attract high-paying clients, and establish a thriving freelance business that generates substantial income

100% Risk free to join


The goal is to get you to €5k within 60 days of completing the training (phase 1). We offer 6 months WhatsApp support from the start of phase 2, but if it takes you longer, we won't leave you alone. We'll continue the WhatsApp support, for FREE until you've at least doubled your investment with us. That way, there's no risk for you in joining, and you know you'll have our coaching and guidance until you've made a 200% return.

Questions Smart People Ask Before Getting Their Hands Dirty:

How do I get started? I can’t imagine charging 500 a day for my cooking.

A company manager I work for occasionally in Switzerland recently said to me she was told by one of the agents she uses, that the going rate for high-level private chefs is four to six hundred pounds a day, which is insane, it's never been this high. But obviously, this is where salaries currently top out, and you would need to be fairly experienced to pick up these gigs.

However, as we discussed earlier, agency rates for entry-level cooking are in the ballpark of 150-180 per day, which is equally incredible in my opinion.

I think it’s important to remember that when you’re getting started, having positive experiences is more important than the money. As your skills and confidence grow with every meal you send out, your confidence with charging will also grow, believe me!

Another great way to get things rolling is to take on ad-hoc contracts with catering companies. These companies have loads of sporadic work available but not enough consistent work to make it worthwhile employing full-time chefs.

The massive benefit from these jobs is that you will be working alongside a huge range of more experienced chefs, which helps to build your confidence, experience and repertoire without falling into the full-time restaurant trap.

Will I get a formal qualification at the end of my course?

Unless you attend a government-certified college, most cookery establishments, including our academy, offer a certificate of completion stating that you have met the requirements to pass their course.

However, the weight of these certificates really comes down to the school's reputation.

So a personal reference from a former employer or mentor carries much more weight than a random certificate.

Likewise, the list of experience on your CV and your visual portfolio is usually what gets you employed.

Potential clients and agencies tend to take formal cooking qualifications with a pinch of salt because it’s no guarantee of the chef’s abilities, and they’re not actually in the position to be that picky.

Is there a guarantee with this program?

Absolutely! I know from experience that students need to get their careers moving quickly after they have finished the course.

And that a course like this is quite an investment to make in your future so you need to be certain that this is the right thing for you.

So we offer a 200% RISK-FREE GUARANTEE.

The goal is to get you to €5k within 60 days of completing the training (phase 1). We offer 6 months WhatsApp support from the start of phase 2, but if it takes you longer, we won't leave you alone. We'll continue the WhatsApp support until you've at least doubled your investment with us. That way, there's no risk for you in joining, and you know you'll have our coaching and guidance until you've made a 200% return.

What is the startup cost? Do I need a lot of money?

No. When I started taking on private roles, I was basically broke from all the travelling. I'd just come back from backpacking around Europe and was grateful to land a couple of weeks work in the north of England, bailing out a small gastro pub whose chef was off on sick leave.

It meant a quick cash injection and a roof over my head until my first winter season contract started.

As with any training, you will need some money but not a lot. As our 1:1 coaching is a lot more efficient than going to a sizeable culinary institution, the fees are much less.

In addition, I’d say plan to use a few hundred pounds getting some equipment together. But if you keep it lean and don’t waste money on the wrong gadgets, it’s nothing like the setup cost of a catering company or restaurant for example.

The only other cost will be around 800 - 1000 in total for food for all of the cooking days, however, if money is a bit of a stretch you can always “sell” seats for your cooking evenings. Most of the recipes feed 8 people so for a tenner per head you could make the food cost back.

I actually highly recommend that you do have people for dinner on the days that you cook. It’s such a valuable opportunity to gain hands-on experience as to what it feels like to cook for paying clients and get that honest feedback.

It adds the pressure that you will experience once you are out working and keeps you on track with your timings as it’s not just about the cooking!

If you follow every step I teach, I will help you make all that money back and plenty more within a few months following your course.

Surely you can’t give me feedback without tasting my food?

You will actually be surprised just how much I can tell from a clear picture, I'm very used to giving feedback from photos, and I can pull out all sorts of details like whether a piece of meat is overcooked, the temperature of your oven or frying pan was too hot or cold, or if you've used enough oil in the pan. How well reduced or mounted your sauce is and even to a degree how well seasoned your dish is.

I use loom videos to screen share the photos you've sent and analyze each component of the dish; I’ll highlight the successful aspects and let you know how you could have improved the weaker aspects of the dish.

Having this feedback as you go along really helps to accelerate your development as you can implement the feedback on the very next cooking day.

Why should I work with you?

Well, obviously, you don't have to! It is more crucial that you find a mentor that you are going to gel with, so it's absolutely up to you to decide whether or not you want to work with us, but I know how to get results.

I’ve been working in hospitality for over 25 years and teaching cooking for 18 years. But more important than how long is the variety in my experience. I have also learned from mentors, so I know what they teach, I’ve tested it, and I have my own insights.

If there is one thing I love besides cooking, snowboarding, and traveling, it is helping people to build successful careers in the catering industry. It’s a passion and not just a venture to make more money.

At some point, it’s not just about the money anymore. It’s about the fun and finding a purpose.

More and more people ask for advice, which is why we decided to move our school online and create a coaching program to help more people on a larger scale.

In the end, you must feel good about it, so the decision is totally up to you.

How much time do I need to invest per week?

This totally depends on how fast you want to get results and how much time you have available.

Another advantage of an online course is that you can work to your own schedule, so even if you have a job or other responsibilities to work around, you can fit the program into your schedule.

You could take a few weeks and smash the whole course out in one go, or you might only be able to work on it at weekends, it's up to you.

There are 10 cooking modules that require a full day each to complete. They are busy days and are designed to be a representation of a normal day as a private chef. You can’t really split these days up and spread them over more than one day, so you will need to be able to clear your schedule for the entire day.

Former graduates find it’s good to move through in fairly quick succession so the information stays fresh, but it's ideal to take at least a day off every 2 or 3 cooking days to relax, reflect and go shopping for the next cooking modules as you haven't really got time to go shopping on the days you plan to cook.

There is so much free content about learning to cook; why would anyone buy an online cookery course?

This is a pretty common misconception. First of all, a lot of the free content out there offers bad advice or is produced by inexperienced freelancers. For example, creators who produce SEO content or content designed to generate clicks on YouTube.

Most people don’t want to waste a lot of time wading through all of this type of content to get to the good stuff, and if they do it leaves them with scattered, disjointed information.

The value of a course is guidance from an expert, active help and, more importantly, a clear pathway through consistent information, which saves a lot of time and effort.

Also, there are loads of resources to keep you on track when you feel a little bit lost.

If I have specific questions, would I be able to email you those questions?

Absolutely. Any questions you have can be included in your request for feedback emails that you will send with the photos of your dishes.

Once you have completed the course, I will stay at your disposal for a few months via WhatsApp so you can have the support you need as you get your career moving. And then there is our private Mastermind Facebook group, so you are in good hands.

For me, that’s what separates this program from so many other educational options: having personal access to practising professionals who can help you overcome your stumbling blocks and shorten your learning curve.

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